2nd Year MFA Studio, Fall + Spring

I have taught both the Fall and Spring semesters of the core design studio for Second Year MFA Candidates. These project represent work developed for specific open-ended project briefs I assigned to the class as well as more independently developed projects in support of their individual thesis research.

2nd Year MFA, Fall— Interpretation of the given constraint of extreme scale, this student chose to create a catalog of her clothing collection using a photocopier.

2nd Year MFA, Fall— Interpretation of the given constraint of extreme scale, this student chose to create a catalog of her clothing collection using a photocopier.

2nd Year MFA, Fall— 50 Questions Project: Refined list of 50 questions as a designer, presented in the form of poster. Experimentation of form and distortion of reality.

2nd Year MFA, Fall— 50 Questions Project: Refined list of 50 questions as a designer, presented in the form of poster. Experimentation of form and distortion of reality.

2nd Year MFA, Spring—MFA Exhibition Design

2nd Year MFA, Spring—MFA Exhibition Design

2nd Year MFA, Spring— Thesis Book- Marshall Lambert, Improvisation in Design

2nd Year MFA, Spring— Thesis Book- Marshall Lambert, Improvisation in Design


2nd Year MFA, Fall— 50 Questions Project: Refined list of 50 questions as a designer. Poster interpreted as clothing. Handmade shirt and embroidered text.

Senior Design Studio, Fall + Spring.

I have taught both semesters of the Senior Design Studio at Boston University, which is the third year core studio class for BFA Graphic Design majors. This work represents open-ended, challenging project briefs I wrote to help the students grow in being able to think independently and with their authorship as designers. Additionally described here are independent BFA Thesis projects of which I advised and guided during the students' final spring semester.


Senior design. BFA Thesis project

Senior design. BFA Thesis project

Senior design. BFA Thesis project

Junior Design Studio, Fall + Spring.

I have taught both semesters of the Junior Design Studio at Boston University, which is the second year core studio class for BFA Graphic Design majors. In the fall I give projects to help move students from the foundational design skills they learn in their Sophomore year into being able to adapt their perspective, interests and authorship into the design projects. This continues in the spring semester where they more deeply reflect on what interests and ideas guide them as designers and how they align that with the work they make.

The Hill We Climb

A collective installation of 26 posters from 26 individuals, unified by Amanda Gorman's text: The Hill We Climb as read at the Presidential Inauguration. Designed by Junior Graphic Design students to be read from beginning to end across 26 distinct surfaces, the project is inspired both by the powerful words of aspiration and unity and a history of collaborative and cooperative surrealist art projects. The class divided the poem into 26 roughly equal parts of approximately 4-5 lines. Each student then used the text to design a unique poster from their perspective.


A design project about striving to understand our identities better and how to personally relate to the multifaceted contexts in which we find ourselves— considering where we come from and what came before us— what shaped our paths as humans. 42 Junior Graphic Design students were asked to develop a deeper understanding of the place and land and the people’s history upon which we are standing and then how to relate their own identity or personal stories to the place in which they presently find themselves. Students then created personal acknowledgments through visual and verbal language and presented this in the form of a printed poster.


Junior Design— Designer’s Voice project. Choose a controversial cause or organization, make content in support of and against the organization and then create an installation for one the other. In this case the student chose the Occupy movement.

Junior Design—Borders Booklet Project: Interpretations of the word “borders” expressed in black + white on colored paper booklets

Junior Design—Borders Booklet Project: Interpretations of the word “borders” expressed in black + white on colored paper booklets

Sophomore Design Studio, Spring

I have taught the spring semester of the Sophomore Design Studio at Boston University, which is the first year core studio class for BFA Graphic Design majors.

Sophomore Design — Elements Poster: Typographic, Black + White posters of selected elements from the periodic table.

Sophomore Design — Elements Poster: Typographic, Black + White posters of selected elements from the periodic table.

Sophomore Design — Collections Project: Curated personal collections represented in a folding poster / booklet format.

Sophomore Design — Collections Project: Curated personal collections represented in a folding poster / booklet format.